Introducing the first installment of the Camp Chippewa Legends Collection: The Phil ft. Dipped cone.
Appropriately, the first release of the Legends Collection honors the only Chippewa icon with a building named in their honor. Famously the namesake of the Sanders Sail Shanty, Phil has enriched Camp Chippewa with his steadfast service and availing humor since 1970.
Iconic in its own right, the DQ cone is symbolic of a mainstay of Phil’s legacy—he has driven countless camp vans down remote Canadian highways to collect weary voyageurs, shuttle them across the border, and reward them with an unparalleled culinary experience. In an era when menus are vast, Phil simplifies your decision, guiding you to the classics, “Single dipped cone or nothing,” says the sailing master.
Phil’s sage wisdom has not wavered over the years, nor has his devotion to Camp Chippewa. It is no surprise that chants of “PHIL!” echo throughout Knutson Hall when he is called upon to share his thoughts on the weather or the state of camp hand hygiene. An additional honor bestowed upon Phil is the unveiling and parade of the World Cup Trophy. His gloved hands alone are allowed to handle the precious artifact.
Due to the limited quantity of Legends Collection apparel, the Phil ft. Dipped Cone shirt will not be available for sale in the Hudson Bay Trading post. It will only be awarded to campers, staff, and alumni who bring a friend, brother, or family member to Camp Chippewa.
Spread the word of Camp Chippewa. Bring a friend. Wear your Phil shirt.